MHI 01 Important Question Paper with Answers : MHI -01 Ancient and Medieval Society Important Questions mhi 01 question paper in english with answers mhi 01 question paper with answers
Masters of Arts ( History)
MHI – 01 Ancient and Medieval Society
MHI- 01 important questions for exam
1. Give the detailed account of development of tools from the earliest time to the new stone age.
2. Discuss the characteristic features of bronze is societies.
3. Give a comparative account of slavery and role of slaves in ancient Greek and Roman society’s.
4. Give a brief account of spread of the Christianity.
5. Write short notes on the following .
A. Domestication of animals
B. Persian Empire
C. The Aztecs
D. Nomadic Empires
6. Discuss various theories of decline of feudalism in Europe.
mhi 01 important questions with answers in english
7. Explain charges in demography in Europe during the medieval period.
8. Analyse the pattern of trade in medieval Europe. How did the Portuguese succeed in expanding their trade in Indian ocean?
9. Discuss the changes in tool making from Paleolithic to Neolithic period.
10. Discuss the pattern of trade in bronze age societies.
11. Analyse the nature of conflict between Aristocracy and peasantry in ancient Greece.
12. Give an account of spread of Christianity in the Roman empire.
13. Analyse the Portuguese trade in the Indian Ocean. What led to its decline.
14. Write short notes on the following.
A. Banjaras
B. Gun powder revolution.
MHI -01 Ancient and Medieval Society Important Questions
15. What do you understand by the term “Neolithic revolution”.
16. Analyse the use of metals and the process of urbanisation in bronze age Mesopotamia.
17. Discuss the growth of feudalism in Europe from the 9th to the 11th century.
18. Discuss the role of science in the expansion of knowledge in modern Europe.
19. Give a brief account on the domestication of animals how did it influence human life.
20. Discuss the characteristic features of the Inka and Maya civilization.
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