Up Board Class 11 English Model Paper 2025 Pdf Download | Class 11 English Question Paper Up Board Pdf

UP Board Class 11 English Model Paper Pdf Download : UPMSP Class 11 English Yearly Question Paper 2025

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Annual Examination-2025



Time: 3.00 hours  M.M.: 100

General Instructions:-

  1. This paper is divided into four sections A, B, C & D.
  2. All the sections are compulsory.

Section – A “Reading”

1.Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:-

Unless mothers are truely well educated, the upbringing of our children, both male and female must suffer in the most important

early stages. This must be so whatever progress is to be made in the organisation of our schools and colleges. This is enough to endure

us to pay much greater and more scientific attention to the education of our girls than we are doing now.  Rushing girls into schools and    

 colleges and enabling them to qualify for a degree is not enough. The education we should give to girls is not that should equip them for  

under taking the duties of enlightened mother the task of the upbringing of children both boys and girls in the critical early years of

their life.

  1. Why should we pay special attention to the education of mothers?
  2. What type of education should be given to a girl?
  3. Give a summary of the passage.
  4. Find out the words in the passage which are the antonyms of the following –

             i. regress    ii. neglect.

Section – B “Writing”

2. Write a report on a camp organised by your school during interholidays.                                                                                    


What a report on a seminar on “Pleasure of Eye Donation

3. Write an essay on any one of the following topics.(150 words)

A. Corona – A Global Challenge

B. My Hobby

C. Pollution problem in India

4. Write a letter from a son to his father asking for the purchase some new books.


    Suppose you have a friend who is a book worm. Write a letter persuading him to take part in games.

Up Board Class 11 English Model Paper 2025 Pdf Download

Section – C “Grammar”

5. Give very short answer of the following:-

(i) Change any one into indirect speech. (any one)

a.  The farmer said to me, “I am ploughing the field”.

b. Sonia said to me, “Why do you laugh?

(ii) Change the following:- (any one)

a. This is a grammar book. I am reading it. (simple sentence)

b. I write s letter. I posted it. (simple sentence)

(iii) Transform the following :(any one)

a. He is too fat to sit property. (Remove ‘Too’)

b. I write an essay. (passive voice)

(iv) Correct the following:-

a. She is ill from fever.

b. Cattle’s is grazing in the field.

(v) Use any one of the given idioms in your own sentences.

           a white element, bag and baggage.

(vi) Give the synonyms of the following:-

           error, prize

(vii) Give the antonyms of the following:-

          comedy, ability

(viii) Give one word for the following group of words.

           a list of names, books etc. difficult to hear.

(ix) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring the difference in their meanings:-

        break- brake

(x) Point out the figures of speech in the following :-

a. A lie has no legs.

b. Life is life a dream.

Class 11 English Question Paper Up Board Pdf

6. Translate the following into English :-

विद्यार्थी जीवन में गांधी जी को व्यायाम में रूचि नहीं थी। स्कूल बंद होते ही वे घर चले जाते थे और अपने पिताजी की सेवा करते थे। शनिवार को प्रातःकाल का

स्कूल था। गांधी जी को व्यायाम के लिए शाम को चार बजे स्कूल जाना था। उनके पास घड़ी नहीं थी। बादलों के कारण सही समय ज्ञात न हो सका। इसलिए गांधी

जी उस समय स्कूल पहुंचे जब अन्य छात्र अपने अपने घर चले गये थे। दूसरे दिन प्रधानाचार्य ने रजिस्टर देखा तो गांधी जी को अनुपस्थित पाया, जब उनसे कारण

पूछा गया तो उन्होंने जो कुछ हुआ था, बता दिया। प्रधानाचार्य को उनकी बात पर विश्वास नहीं हुआ और उन्होंने गांधी जी पर जुर्माना लगा दिया।

Section – D “Literature”

7. Give a short account of the exploration of Tut’s mummy. (Long  question -150 words).

8. Answer any two of the following – (30 words)

a. What sort of wave hit the ship?

b. Describe the changing relationship between the author and his grandmother. Did their feelings for each other change?

c. What were the things King Tut was buried with?

9. Read the stanza and answer the questions.

When did my childhood go?

Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,

Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,

Could not be found in Geography,

And therefore could not be.

Was that the day!

a. What is the poet curious to know?

b. What were the poet’s view about heel and heaven in his childhood?

c. Where does the poet search for the existence of hell and heaven?

Up Board Class 11 English Model Paper 2025

10. Write the central idea of any one of the following.

a. A Photograph

b. Childhood

11. Answer any one of the following questions within 150 words. 

a. What factors made Einstein’s life in Munich miserable? What didhe realise after six months?

b. How did the people of Hosahalli react when Ranga re- turned from Banglore?

12. Answer any two of the following questions within 30 words.

(A) What is Einstein’s view about education? How for de you agree with it?

(B) Who was Ranga? Why was his home coming a great event in the   village?

(C) How was the narrator able to recognise her own familiar wollen table cloth?

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