UP Board Class 9th English Annual Exam Paper 2025 | Class 9 English Model Paper 2025 Up Board
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Annual Examination, 2025
Subject: English
Time: 3 Hrs M.M.: 70
1. Read the following passage & answer the questions that follow:
Gautam Buddha is also known as Mahatma Buddha and Bhagwan Buddha. His childhood name was Siddharth. He was born is 563 BC.
The name of his mother was Mahamaya. His wife’s name was Yashodhara. He was of very contemplative mind from his childhood.
He always looked for peace around him. One day when a son was born to him at the age of thirty, he realized that his life was going
through difficulties. So, one night he left his wife and son without informing anyone. The reason was to seek peace around him.
1. At what age was a son born to Gautam Buddha:
A) thirty B) twenty eight
C) fourty D) thirty three
2. Mahamaya was his:
A) Aunt B) Neighbor
C) Wife D) Mother
3.When was Gautam Buddha born?
A) 564 BC B) 563 BC
C) 565 BC D) 663 BC
Choose the Correct Option.
4. Pick the right spelling:
A) Flower B) Flover
C) Flawer D) Flowar
Pick one word for the sentence:
5. Bringing in goods from a foreign country.
A) catch B) carry
C) import D) export
6. Rearrange:-
A) We should do it today
B) We do should it today
C) Do should today we it
D) Should do we it today
7. Pick the right option:
You look…………. and bold:
A) kind B) dull
C) timid D) feared
8. ……….apple a day, keeps …………doctor away.
A) The, an B) An, the
C) The, the D)A, the
Class 9 English Annual Exam Paper 2025 Up Board Pdf Download
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
When India gained independence on 15th August 1957, Bismillah Khan was the first Indian to greet the nation with his shehnai. He
poured his heart into the Raag Kafi from the Red Fort to an audience which had Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.
9. Bismillah Khan played shehnai from:
A) Rashtrapati Bhawan
B) Red Fort
C) Parliamentary House
D) India Gate
10. India gained independence on:
A) 15th August 1945
B) 15th August 1947
C) 15th August 1948
D) 15th August 1949
Based on the understanding of prose, answer the following:
11. Who turned the pages:
A) Margie
B) Tommy
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of them
12. Einstein received the noble prize in:
A) 1921 B) 1915
C) 1919 D) 1945
13. Tahar Mosiquee Ustaad Khan auditorium is situated in:
A) Montreal B) Osaka
C) Teheran D) Behrin
Read the extract and answer the following:
Away Away in the Northland, where the hours of the day are few, And the nights are so long in winter, that they cannot sleep them through.
14. Since the sun’s rays reach for a less time in Northland, the hours of the day are few in…….
A) summer B) spring
C) winter D) autumn
15. They refers to:
A) sun’s rays B) day
C) night
D) people living in the region
Based on the book ‘Moments’, answer the following:
16. Iswaran was an asset to Mahendra as he was:
A) good cook
B) entertaining
C) hard working
D) all these
17. The happy prince was gilded with thin leaves of:
A) fine gold
B) evergreen shrub
C) silver
D) laurel
Class 9 English Model Question Paper 2025 Up Board
18. It was something to do with a………… art.
A) Japanese
B) classical
C) unique
D) Chinese
19. That night Mahendra enjoyed the most delicious:
A) food B) dinner
C) wine party D) meal
20. The currency of the Kingdom of Fools was::
A) rupee B) dollar
C) coin D)duddu
21 Read the passage and answer the following questions:
Within twelve months Santosh ‘adav found a member of an Indo Nepalese women’s expedition that invited to join them. She then
scaled the Everest a second time thus setting a record as the only woman to have scaled the Everest twice, and securing for herself and
India a unique place in the annals of mountaineering. In recognition of her achievements, the Indian government bestowed upon her one
of the nation’s top honors – The Padmashri.
(a) What happened within twelve months?
(b) What record did Santosh set in mountaineering?
(c) What contribution did she make to India’s glory?
(d) How did the Indian government recognize her achievement?
Up Board English Class 9 Yearly Question Paper
22. Answer any one of the following:
(a) Write a letter to the Chairman of Municipal Corporation of your city complaining him against inadequate supply of water.
(b) Write a letter to your local bookseller asking him to send you some books by post/courier.
23. Answer any one of the following in 80-100 words:
(a) Write a descriptive paragraph on ‘Your Father’ on the basis of the given clues:
Forties – does business – good political knowledge – hobbies include sports inspires.
(b) Teen years are fun years: Write an article commenting on the statement, in about 100-150 words. You are Parth/Parul.
- (a) Change into indirect speech:
I said, “He is going to Alaska.”
(b) Punctuate the sentence:
he said lets go to the dance floor
(c) Change into Passive voice:
I made a blunder
(d) Translate into English:
विज्ञान ने हमारा विश्वास धर्म और भगवान में समाप्त कर दिया है। पुराने समयमें हमे धर्म रास्ता दिखाता था। अज हमे रास्ता दिखोन के लिए कोई न आज मनुष्य एक
मशीन बनकर रह गया है।
25. Answer the following in 30-40 words each:
(a) What did Margie’s grandfather tell her?
(b) How do we know that sound of Shehnai is considered auspicious?
26 Answer any one of the following question in 60 words:
(a) How did Kezia’s negative attitude towards her father change?
(b) How did Abdul Kalam’s science teacher try to break the social
UP Board Class 9 English Annual Exam Paper 2025
27. Explain the message given in the poem “Rain on the Roof”.
Write 4 lines from any poem in your syllabus. [Do not copy the lines
give question paper.]
28. Write the central idea of any one from the following:
(a) Wind
(b) No Men are Foreign
29. Answer any one question in about 30-40 words:
(a) Was the child scared of his father?
(b) Give some examples to show that Toto was a naught monkey.
30.Answer in about 60 words:
(a) If you are a Guru how will you persuade your disciples not to live
in Kingdom of Fools.
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