Class 9 English Half Yearly Paper 2025 | English Class 9 Half Yearly Question Paper 2024-25

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Read More : Class 9 Social Science Chapter 1 Most Important Questiuons in  Hindi            

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   Half Yearly Examination-2025-26



Time: 3.15 Hrs.]                            [M.M.: 70

General Instructions:

 (i) The first 15 minutes are allotted to the condidates only for reading questions paper.

(ii) This paper is divided into two sections.

(iii) Section ‘A’ contains 20 multiple choice questions.

(iv) Section ‘B’ contains descriptive answer type questions.

(v) All the sections are compulsory.

(vi) Marks are indicated against each questions.

Section ‘A’ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Q.No. (1-3) Read the following passage carefully given below and then answer the questions that follow:

Among the many misfortunes that can be fall man, the loss of health is one of the severest. All the Joys that life can give cannot outweight the sufferings of the sick. Give the sick man everything and leave his sufferings and he will feel that half the word is lost to him. Lay him on silken bed, still he will groan sleepless under the pressure of his suffering, while the miserable beggers with health sleep sweetly on the ground. Good health, therefore, must be the first goal of every man.

1. What is the wrost misfortune in the life of man.

(A) the sickness               (B) sleepless groaning

(C) the loss of health      (D) being a miserable beggar

2. What must be the chief aim in life :

(A) good health              (B) sweet sleep

(C) joys in life                 (D) avoiding misfortune

3. The word ‘goal’ means :

(A) Joy                           (B) victory in game

(C) sickness                  (D) aim

Class 9 English Half Yearly Question Paper 2025

Q.No. (4-8) Choose the correct option to answers the following:

4.  ……………………this belong to you?

(A) do      (B) does   (C) did    (D) done

5. You………… get a job.

 (A) will   (B) shall    (C) can   (D) may

6. Which word is correctly spelled?

 (A) particular    (B) jugler

(C) supiries        (D) scenary

7. root/on/the/are/they

 (A) They are on the roof.

(B) Root are they on the.

(C) They are the oin roof             

(D) None of these

8. We have choosen her ……………… captain.

 (A) a   (B) an   (C) the   (D) None of these

Q.No. (9-10) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

the pair finally married in January 1903, and had two sons but a few years later, the marriage fattered. Mileva, meanwhile, was losing her intellectual ambition and becoming an unhappy house wife. After years of constant fighting the couple finally divorced in 1999. Einstein married his cousinElsa  the same year.

9. Einstein married with Mileva :

(A) 3 January 1903    (B) March 1903

(C) January 1999       (D) none of these

10. Whom did he marry after divorcing Mileva :

(A) Maja      (B) Elsa     (C) Hasina    (D) Fatima

English Paper Class 9 Half Yearly Exam 2025

Q.No. (11-13) Based on your understanding of prose lesson choose the correct option of answer the following questions:

11. Who found a real book?

 (A) Tommy         

(B) margie

(C) Tommy’s teacher   

(D) The mechanical teacher.

12. What was the nationality of Evelyn?

 (A) Scottish            (B) British

(C) German            (D) French

13. Kezia would always find her mother:

(A) cooking            (B) reading

(C) snoring            (D) singing

Q.No. (14-15) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

The wind blows out weak fires.

He makes strong fires road and flourish,

His friendship is good

We praise him every day.

14. Who is ‘He’ in this stanza?

(A) wind              (B) rain

(C) hailstorm     (D) none of these

15. Which literacy device has been used in ‘Weakfire’?

(A) repetition    (B) assonance

(C) metaphor    (D) oxymoron

Q.No. (16-20) Based on your understanding of the lessons in the book ‘Footprints without feet’ choose correct option to answer the following questions:

16. The sweets were decorated with-

(A) leaves of silver and gold     

(B) flowers

(C) ribbons    (D) nothing at all

17. At grandmother Toto threw:

 (A) a ball (B) a plate (C) a glass (D) some water

18. People ran helter-sketter in-

(A) open area (B) the school(C) madness(D) panie

19. The king was now thrown into deep-

(A) ditch  (B) valley  (C) thought  (D) decision

20. This merchant is to-

(A) be set free (B) be pardone (C) pay  (D) blame

UP Board Class 9 English Half Yearly Paper 2025


21. Read the following passage and answers the following questions :

Norway is called the land of the midnight Sun. All the regious with in the Arctic circle have long Sunny nights in the summer. But by November in the sun disappears all together and cannot be seen for weeks and weeks then after weeks of darkness come days when pole light appears. All last towards the end of January one day the sun reaps over The horizon.

Questions :

(i) Why is Norway called the land of the midnight Sun ?

(ii) What happens to the sun by the end of November ?

(iii) What does the sun do one day towards the end of January ?

(iv) Pick out from the passage the word which is opposite to ‘winter’

22. Answer any one of the following:

(a)Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage party of your elder brother.

(b) Write an application to the health officer of your city requesting him to arrange the cleanlines in your locality.

23. Answer any one of the following in about 80-100 words:

(a) My Best Friend- (Hints: Name and parentage, His family, His qualities, Why I like him?)

(b) Write an article of ‘An ideal teacher’.

24. (a) Rewrite the following by changing into indirect speech.

My mother said to me, “ When do you go to school ?”

(b) Change the following into passive voice :

Gopal is watching television.

(c) Punctuate the following :

meena and geeta are doing their homework.

(d) Translate the following passage in English.

मैं प्रयागराज में रहता हूं। यह शहर मुझे बहुत पसंद है। भारत की दो प्रसिद्ध नदियां गंगा और यमुना यहां मिलती है। उनके मिलने का स्थान संगम के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है।

Class 9 English Half Yearly Paper 2025 

25. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

(a) What information did Margie’s grandfather give her about old sort of books?


What did she audition for and what was its results.

(b) Where was Pungi banned?. Who banned it?


How did father punish Kezia?

26. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words:

(a) Write in your words the incidents that show Kezia was afraid of her father.

(b) How was Bismillah Khan associated with film and why did he give up films?

27. Does everybody have a cosy bed to lie in when itrains? (in about 40 words)


Write four lines from any poem prascribed in you syllabus.

28. Give the central idea of any one of the following poems in about 50-60 words :

(a) rain on the roof

(b) wind

(c) The lake isle of Innis free

’29.Answers any one of the following in about 30-40 words :

(a) how does the gurumanage to serve his disciple’s life

(b) How did the status of the prince help the people in distress

30. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words:

(a) What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

(b) In what way is Isworan an asset to Mahendra?

Must Watch Above Question Paper Video Solution : Click Here

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