IGNOU BEGLA 136 Previous Year Question Paper Pdf Download : @www.ignou.ac.in BEGLA 136 : English at the Workplace June 2025 Question Paper
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Term-End Examination
June, 2024
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : All questions are compulsory.
1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words : 10
(i) I have been in this job so long that I feel my career is more or less ……………….. . (progressive, static).
(ii) It is interesting to ……………. the possibilities of different career options. (explore, accept).
(iii) It is advisable to take help from …………… to find a job. (consultants, offices).
(iv) Sometimes in the …………….. world today jobs are not advertised. (consultant, competitive)
(v) Jobs are advertised in the ……………. sections of the newspapers. (matrimonial, recruitment)
(vi) A brilliant idea which occurs suddenly is……………. . (Brainwave, Brainstorm)
(vii) A phrase meaning „knowing what the ultimate aim is‟ ………………….. . (Goal awareness, Goal)
(viii) A phrase reforming to „a meeting to discuss lots of ideas and collectively choosing the best one‟ …………………. .
(Brainwave, Brainstorming session)
(ix) Remembering something afterwards is ………………….. . (Recall, Memory).
(x) Something that obstructs progress is …………………… . (Roadblock, Road ahead).
2. Make sentences using the following words :
(a) Innovative
(b) Creativity
(c) Ambition
(d) Teamwork
(e) Dedication
3. (a) Rewrite the following sentences changing them from the active voice to passive voice :
(i) She has mastered the subject of science.
(ii) She opened the window.
(iii) I did not scold him.
(iv) The cops caught the thief.
(v) They redesigned the building
BEGLA -136 Question Paper June 2025
(b) Fill in the blanks as indicated :
(i) Simply …………….. (place) an advertisement in a popular daily will fetch us many candidates. (Use gerund of „place‟)
(ii) The skill of …………….. (read) in English is essential for an office boy‟s job here. (Use gerund of „read‟)
(iii) This is a ……………… (well-pay) job. Everyone wants it. (Use appropriate participle of „well-pay‟)
(iv) Please show me a few samples of a …………… (cover) letter. (Use appropriate participle of „cover‟)
(v) If I went to bed now, ………………. . (Use main/if clause)
(vi) What would you do if ………………. . (Use main/if clause)
(vii) She gave me this ring. She …………….. very upset if I lost it. (Use correct form of „be‟)
(viii) The litmus paper turns red if we ………………. (dip) it in acid. (Use correct form of „dip‟)
(ix) We ……………… be hasty incoming to conclusions about people. (Use appropriate modal)
(x) I will have completed my task …………….. Monday. (Choose the appropriate till/by)
4. Write short notes on the following (around 150 words each) :
(a) Essentials of good customer service
(b) Workplace Etiquette
5. Prepare a brief CV (Curriculum Vitae) for a job that you wish to join. Organize your points under various headings like educational
qualifications, professional qualifications, etc.
6. Prepare a job application letter in response to an advertisement for the post of a marketing manager in a corporate firm. 10
7. You are planning to appear for an interview for the position of receptionist in a reputed English Training Institute. Write out ten
questions you expect to be asked and your answers to these questions.
8. Write an outline of a presentation on the following topic :
“Creation of Gender Awareness at theworkplace.
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