UP Board Class 11 English Final Exam Question Paper Solutions 2025 | English Class 11 Yearly Question Paper 2025

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UP Board Class 11 English Annual Exam Question Paper 

Subject : ENGLISH
Class : XI

Time Allowed :  3:15 Hours                                                                                    Max. Marks: 100


(i) All questions from all the sections are compulsory.

(ii) This question paper is divided into four sections -A, B, C and D.

(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.

(iv) First 15 minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading thequestion paper.

UP Board Class 11 English Model Paper Final Exam

Section-A (Reading)

Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that foillow :

When you talk about education, you have several aims in view.Give people, those who are taught, knowledge of the world in whichtheirs live – science, history and geography enable you to get thatknowledge.you also train the people to acquire some technical skillby which they can earn a livelihood. These are still by which theycan earn a livelihood. These are still accepted the world over as theobjects of educational knowledge of the world in which you live andtechnical skill by which you can earn a livelihood. Put what in therespecific about the kind of education Imported in the institutions ofour country ? We have heard that the chief purpose of education isnot merely the acquiring of skill or information but the initiation into ahigher life, initiation into a worid which transcends the world ofspace and time, through the later information and animates theformer. That has been the main purpose of education For somecenturies, we negelected our women folk.

Questions :- (i) What subjects give us knowledge of world?

(ii) What is the use of technical skill ?

(iii) What are the objects of education given in the passage ?

(iv) What has been the main purpose of education?

(V) (i) What is the synonym word of gain in the passage

(ii) What are two opposit words of neglect merit ?

(iii) What transeends the world of space and time ?

(a) Purpose of education       (b) Purpose of dreams

(c) Purpose of money            (d) Purpose of health

UP Board Class 11 English Model Paper

Section -B

(Writing Skill)

Aprograms new education policy was held in your college campus.Dr. Ram Nanoharji the joint secretery of vidya Bhart was the chiefguest on the occassion. Write a report on this programme as areporter of Hindustan Times, the newspaper

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions thefollow.

The views of Dr. Radhakrishan on the education of women in IndiaIS tnat now women have scape to enter the fields of social work,public life and administration. Therefore, they should developdisciplined minds and good manners. The honest minds of theWomen would make their job pleasant and they would besuccessful in their works.

In order to attain all these qualities, the women should be welleducated. Their education should be broad and deep. They shouldbecome learned and skilled and have some purpose in their lives. Apurposeless person commits mistakes and develops bad temper.The educated women should have the good qualities of dama, danand daya. Thus they would enjoy a good life. The main purpose ofeducation should be to teach woman higher values of life.

Questions : (a) On the basis of the passage make notes on it using headingsand sub headings with abbreviations wherever necessary.

(b) Write the summary of the above passage in short.

Q.3 Write an article (essay) on any one of the following topics in about80 to 100 words.

(a) Importance of Regular exercise.

(b) Education as spoon feeding.

(c) Mother’s Role in the family.

Q.4 Write a letter to the editor of the Hindustan time?

the newspaper complaining about frequent break down ofelectricity during board examination.


Write a letter to your elder brother (U.P.S.C. Topper) seeking hisadvice on the choice of a profession.

UP Board Class 11 English Model Paper Annual Exam 

Q.5 (i) Choose the correct option to answer the followingquestions -2×5=10

(a) Astudent who runs away trom his class without permission.

(i) Rebel        (ii) Autoerat

(iii) Traunt   (iv) startend

(b) The phrase call off means-

(i) start          (ii) back 

(iii) end          (iv) show

(c) The antonym of dwarf is.

(i) tall              (ii) short

(iii) giant         (iv) little

(d) The synonym of fame’ is….

(i) reputation    (ii) reform

(iii) reach           (iv) Acquit

(e) Please put your sign here ?” Which word/ part in the sentenceis an error ?

(i) Please          (ii) put

(iii) your sign  (iv) here

(a) Change the following into Indirect speech.

“Congratulation dear children, your all have done well”. said the old lady. 


Yes sir, I can sove this guestion just now.” said the student tothe teacher.

(b) Combine the followingsimple sentences as directed.

Where does Mrs. Chawala live ? Nobody knows its. (ComplexSentence)


Ihe man was beaten badly. He was handed over the to police.(Compound)

(c) Transform the following as directed.

Everybody likes to be prosperous. (Interrogation) 


He is a man of great courage. (Replace underlined) word into adjective

(d) Correct the following sentence –

I am fond of to play cricket.


One should not boast of his wealth.

(e) Use anyone of the following pairs of words in your ownsentences to make the difference in their meaning clear : 

Fair – fare

marry – merry 

Section -D


Answer any one of the following question in not more than 60 Words 

(a) What are the views and observations of Nani Palkhiwala aboutthe present and future of our planet ?

(b) What breathing problem did the narrator face at the height ofhis journey ?

Q.8 Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words. 4+4 =8

(a) What does G.B.M.R. Mr. Stand for in the lesson theadventure ?

UP Board Class 11 Model Paper PDF Download 


What is the audience do with Gangadharpant ?

(b) When and where the worlds’ first nationwide green party wasfounded ?


Why was the body of Tut C.T. scanned ?

Q.9 Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions thatfollow –

The seed I spentor sown it where

The land is his and none of mine.

Of understanding in the air.

We speak like strangers, there is no sign.

this child is built to my design.

This child is built to my design.

Yet what he loves, I can not share.

(a) Who is’l in the first verse of the stanza ?

(b) Why do they speak like strangers ?

(c) What can father not share?

Q.10 Write the central idea of any one of the following poems –

(a) Aphotograph            (b) Childhood

Q.11 Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 60 words –

(a) What was Dr. Andrew’s dilemma after the delivery ? How didsolve the problem so successfully ?

(b) Whom did the king decide to hang finally ? What was the series

of orders for hanging ?

Q.12 Answer the following questions s in not more than 30 words. 4+48

(a) Who says these words – “l have done something real at last, ohGod !”


Why was the wisest man called by the king ?

(b) What does the story ‘Birth’ show us the real fact in the lesson.


How does Mrs. Fitzgerald help Mrs. Pearson in getting hervaluable place in the house ?


How did the narrator come to know about Mrs. Dorling and theaddress where she lived ?

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