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Annual Examination-2025
Class XI
Time: 3 hrs. 15 min. ] [M. M.: 100
General Instruction:
(1) This paper is divided into two part A & B.
(ii) Part ‘A’ consists of 20 objective questions carrying I mark each. Answer are to be given on OM.R. sheet.
(iii) Part ‘B’ consists of descriptive type questions.
(vii) Marks are indicated against each questions.
Part ‘A’ (Multiple Choice Questions)
(Q.No. 1-3) Read the foliowing passage and answer the questions that follow:
Of all the mughal emperors, Akbar is the most seculas in the sense that while others mughal emperors thought of their religions, sects or tribes, Akbar treated all the religions equally. To him, the Hindu were as dear as the Muslims. He initicated a reton by the name of ‘Deen-e-Elahi’. He had many Hindu Kings as his friends. His ‘nine Jewels’ are quite famous. Pandit Nehru has showered lavish praise on Akbar.
1. Of all the mughal emperors, who is the most secula?
(A) Akbar. (B) Aurangzeb
(C)Shahjahan. (D) Jahangir
2.’Deen-e-Elahi’ was founded by
(A) Aurangzeb (B) Akbar.
(C) Jahangir(D) Shahjahan
3.How many Jewels were in Akbar’s court? (A) five jewels (B) six jewels
(C) nine-jewels, (D) ten jewels
Choose the correct option to the following questions:
4.That which can not be defeated:
(A) Invincible (B) Incredible
(C) Incomparable (D) None of these
5. Choose the correct option which will complete the given sentence: I am unable to bear this heavy____
(A) lose (B) loose
(C) loss. (D) None of these
UP Board Class 11 English Final Exam Paper PDF Download
6.Which in the correct antonym of word ‘confess’
(A) Deny (B) Admit
(C) contend (D) contest
7. Which is the correct synonyms
word ‘vivid’:
(A) obscure. (B) clear (C) weak (D) bad
8.Choose the option that express the meaning of the phrase:
‘Give a wide herth’
(A) to welcome (B) to applaud
(C) to motivate (D) to avoid
Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:
9.Who are Drokbas?
(A) Hill Tribe (B) sheeps
(C) local people (D) cuisine
10.Whom did the professor meet at the Hospital?
(A) Rajendra, (B) Doctor
(C) Speaker (D) Librarian
11.Who wrote the book “The Global Economic prospect”?
(A)A.K. Jha (B) Lester R. Brown
(C) James Speth (D) Edgars woolard
12. For how many years did Amenhotep III rule Egypt?
(A) 5 years (B) 20 years
(C) 10 years (D) 40 years
Choose the correct option to answer the following:
13. Does father know about his son’s likes and dislikes?
(A) Yes. (B) No
(C) May be. (D) con’t say
14. According to the poet, adults are……
(A) Hypocrites (B) Smart
(C) Lovable (D) Intelligent and cunning
15. What happens to the rain in the sky?
(A) rain drops form
(B) rain it condeness
(C) It forms clouds
(D) None of the above
Class 11 English Final Exam Question Paper
Choose the correct option to answer the following:
16.Who did the chief of builders blame?
(A) The brick (B) The workmen
(C) The masons (D) The architect
17. Who was waiting for Andrew at midnight?
(A) Joe Morgan. (B) Dr. Edward
(C) Christine. (D) Mrs. Morgan’s mother
18. Mrs. Fitzgerald is a…..of Mrs. pearson:
(A) Friend (B) Maid
(C) Neighbour. (D) relative
19. In what condition did the author find the living room?
(A) modern (B) well arranged
(C) creative. (D) Naphazard.
20. Why were Aram and mourad famous for?
(A) For Respect. (B) For Honesty.
(C) For Honour. (D) For Dishonesty
Part ‘B’ (Descriptive Questions)
1.Read the following passage carefully and answerr the questions given below:
The best part of every man’s education is that which he gives to himself. The education received at school or college it but a beginning, and is valuable chiefly because it trains the mind and makes it accustomed to continuous application and study. That which is put into us by other is always far less than that which me acquire by our own effort. Knowledge
conquered by labour becomes a possession-a property entirely our own. Our own active effort is the essential thing and no facilities no teachers no amount of lesson learnt by rate will enable us to do without it.
(a) Why is education valuable ?
(b) When does knowledge become our property?
(c) Which education is more useful?
(d) Give the synonym of ‘acquire’.”
(e) Give the antonym of ‘conquered?
Class 11 English Model Paper 2025 UP Board
2.Write a report on in exhibition on Fashion Designing and Technology which you visited recently in your city.
Make Note on the given passage and then make summary of the passage with the help of notes.
Where there is sterling faith and uncompromising purity there is health, there is success, there is power. In such a one, disease, failure and disaster can find no lodgmen for there is nothing on which they can feed. The sooner me realise and acknowledge that sickness is the result of our own error or sin, the sooner shall we enter upon the highway of health, Disease comes to those whe attract it to those who minds and bodies are receptive to it, and flees from those whose strong, pure and positive thought sphere generates healing and life giving currents.
3.Write an essay (article) on the following topics in about 200-250 words:
(a) A Trip to Hills
(b)Science and Human Happiness
(c) Evils of corruption.
4.Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the poliuted water supply in your area.
Write a letter to your District magie complaing about the menace at dirty in your locality.
5.(a) Change the following into indirect speech:
He shouted, “Let me go.”
(b) He was reading. He slept.
(into simple sentences)
(c) Who taught you English last year.
(into passive voice)
(d) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in their meaning clear.
Accident, Incident
(e)He is i’ll since monday. (Correct the sentences)
UP Board Class 11 English Model Paper 2025 PDF Download
6. Translate the following into English:
एक बार एक चित्रकार एक महल को सजा रहा था। जब वह दीवारों को रंग रहा था, तब उसके हृदय में अपने कार्य की दूर देखने की इच्छा हुई। पीछे हटते हटते यह चबूतरे के छोर पर पहुँच गया। यदि वह एक कदम और पीछे हट जाता तो वह पृथ्वी पर गिर पड़ता। उसके नौकर ने उसे देख लिया। उसने एकदम दीवार पर रंग का बर्तन फेंक दिया। नौकर के व्यवहार पर चित्रकार को बहुत क्रोध आया। वह तुरन्त उसे दण्ड देने के लिए आगे बढ़ा। नौकर ने रंग फेंकने का कारण बताया। तब उस चित्रकार ने खुश होकर नौकर की बहुत सारा ईनाम दिया।
7.Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 words:
(a) Describe in detail the narrator’s miserable night in Darchen.
(b) What was the outcome of the Battle of Panipat in the alternative universe?
8.Answer any two of the following questions in about 30-40 word each:
(a) What did carter find in the first coffin of the King Tut ?
(b) What question did the First Brandt Report raise ?
(c) Whe was Khan Sahib ? What was his destination? How would he reach there?
9.Read the given stanza and answer the questions:
I do net understand this child
Though we have lived together now
In the same house for years. I know Nothing of him, so try to build.
up a relationship from how.
He was when small.
(a) What problem do the given lines highlight?
(b) Who is the poet of the poem ‘father to son’?
(c) What does the speaker of the given lines want?
10. Write the central idea of any one poem of the following:
(a) Childhood
(b) The voice of the Rain.
Class 11 English Annual Question Paper 2025
11.Answer anyone of the following questions is about 100 words:
(a) Who was George? How did he treat his wife?
(b) Andrew’s visit to the Morgan’s gave him pleasure and satisfation that the had not achieved earlier. Justify.
12. Answer any two of the following questions:
(a) What was the condition of the child after treatment?
(b) When did the king lose his head and why?
(c) Describe the narrator’s first encounter with Mrs. Dorling.
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