Up Board Class 10 English Pre Board Question Paper 2024-25, UPMSP Class 10 English Model Paper 2025

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Name….      Roll No…..

Subject : ENGLISH
Class : X

Time Allowed : 3 : 15 Hrs  Max. Marks : 70

Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory. Please check that the questions paper contents total 30 questions and the No. of printed paper is 04.

(ii) First 15 minutes are allotted for the candidate to read the questions paper. At the second bell you will start writing or answers.

(iii) Read the questionwise instructions and mark you answers on the given OMR sheet. Do not erase, cut or use whitener on the OMR sheet.

(iv) Part – B consists of descriptive type questions marks are indicated against each question.

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[Q. 1-3 ] Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct option to answer the questions :

Man is the architect office on life. If he makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is sure to improve and prosper in his life but if does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too late and he will have to drag out a miserable existence from day to day. To kill time is as culpable as to commit suicide for our life is nothing but some total of hours days and years. Youth is the golden season of life. In youth the mind is peliable and soft and can be moulded in any from we like. If we lose morning hours of life we shall have to repent afterwards.

1 How does the proper use of time affect as a person?

  • To improve and prosper in life
  • to make him confined
  • to make him inconsiderate
  • to be regular and punctual in life

2. When will a person repent in life ?

  • When it is too late
  • when he becomes old
  • when he becomes pauper
  • when he does not use of it

3. Which world in the above passage has similar to the word, ‘builder’?

  • Pauper
  • Architect
  • Master
  • Owner

[Q. 4-8] Choose the correct option to answer the following questions.
4. We had hardly reach the station……… the train started.

  • That
  • Before
  • When
  • Than

5. One who looks at the dark side of Life, is called…..

  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • Statistics
  • Fatalist

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6. Rearrange the following word clusters to make a meaningful sentence :


  • God helps those who helps themselves.
  • those who help themselves ,God helps
  • God helps those who them self helps
  • God who help themselves, help those

7. Which of the following words is Miss spelled?

  • Lieutenant
  • Corlonel
  • Commander
  • Soldiers

8. Fill in the gap with a suitable preposition :

Father deprived his son……… his property.

  • Of
  • Off
  • From
  • To

9. Read the passage given below and choose the correct option to answer the questions that follow :

After she had enough money saved, her next problem was how to sleep out of the house without her mother’s knowledge. But she managed this without too much difficulty. Everyday after lunch her mother would nap from about one to four or so. Valli used these hours for excursions as she stood looking from the door way of her house or sometimes even ventured out into the village, today, these same hours could be used for her first excursion outside the village.

9. What was the valli’s next problem when she had enough money?

  • She had no time to go out merely for enjoy
  • her examination came to near
  • how to slip out of the house with her mother’s knowledge
  • that she was not feeling

10. Which hourss could she use for her first excursion outside the village?.

  • Her mother would nap from one to Four at noon
  • her mother would go to market to buy something
  • her mother would go to her neighbour at the time
  • nothing is correct.

11. Like the lights, the lives of mortals flicker up and……..

  • Burn
  • Gives light
  • Keep on
  • Extinguish

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12. Valli devoured everything with her……..

  • Mouth
  • Eyes
  • Ears
  • Nose

13. The Baker used to be their………

  • Servent
  • Enemy
  • Master
  • Companion or guide

Read the given extract and choose the correct option to answer the following question.

Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From what I have tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire

14. Who is the poet of the above lines?

  • Robert Frost
  • White Man
  • Robin Klein
  • Lestie

15. What do some other peoples say ?

  • The world will end in fire
  • the world will and in ice t
  • he word will never die
  • all they evils will be die

Choose the correct option to answer the following questions

16. During treatment of the dog, the doctor….

  • Give the dog many things to eat
  • Captain eye on the dog given him no food but plenty of water.
  • Give the dog a lot of food but no water
  • Operated the dog

17. Ann’s father was the most ……. father see had ever seen.

  • Powerful
  • Praise Worthy
  • Adorable
  • Loving

18. Nelson Mandela was born on……..

  • 18 July 1928
  • 18 July 1918
  • 27 July 1918
  • 18 August 1918

19. What did Lencho think of the post office employees.

  • bunch of crooks
  • rude
  • Unhelpful
  • Proud

20. During our childhood in Goa, the Baker used to be our friend……. not guide.

  • Playmate
  • Neighbour
  • Caretaker
  • Companion

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1 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

Marco Polo vas indeed one of the greatest explorers of all times. It was he who first made a route across Asia to China and who first told Europeans about the court at Peking. Marco Polo was the first European to describe Burma, Tibet and India and told about the customs and manners of the people he talked of the Christians living in abyssinia in Africa, and describe the cold Arctic countries of the white bear, where rode on reindeers and in dogs sledges. It was as if a splendid New World had been opened before Europe and Marcos descriptions started mean up to find or more about the outside world.

Questions :

  1. Who was Marco Polo ?
  2. Who first made a route across Asia to China?
  3. What descriptions where made by Marco Polo ?
  4. Choose the word same in meaning to ‘discoverer’ from the above passage.


2. Write a letter to your friend consoling him at the death of his grandfather in a road accident.


Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to grant uab long leave on account of your sisters marriage.

3. Write a report on the ‘Teachers day’ celebration in your school/college in about 80-100 words.

(Hints : School decoration, Cultural program Speech by Principal , Chief Guest sweet distribution.)


Write an article on the importance of taking regular exercise in about 80-100 words on the basis of the hints given below.

  1. Keep our body active and strong
  2. discipline and punctuality
  3. regular exercise
  4. tension free and Happy all day long
  5. better concentration on studies
  6. conclusion

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4. (a) Rewrite the following sentence by changing into indirect speech :

The Customer said to the bank clerk , Please issue me a fresh check book. My old one has been used.”

(b) Change the following into passive voice :

Do not spoil these pictures.

(c) Punctuate the following :

The teacher said to me do not abuse anyone

(d) Translate the following into English :

वृक्ष हमारे देश की अमूल्य निधि है। वृक्ष हमें केवल ईंधन व फल ही नहीं देते बल्कि वह हमें इमारती लकड़ी भी देते हैं। हमें अधिक से अधिक पेड़ लगानी चाहिए अनावश्यक रूप से पेड़ों को नहीं काटना चाहिए।


5. Answer the following questions in about 30- 40 words :

  1. Why do squirrels and langurs drop partiality eaten fruits into Kaveri River?


Why does Maxwell go to Basra? How long does he wait there and why ?


2. When were the first democrative elections held in South Africa ? who was the first Black President of South Africa?


Who was Anne Frank ? Why did she decide to write a diary ?

6. Answer anyone of the following in about 60 words :

  1. When did the tea start ? which legends did Rajveer tell about tea?
  2. Describe the conversation between chubukov and lomov when the letter comes to him in his evening dress.

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7. What did the mother advice Amanda to remember?

Write four lines from any poem prescribed in your syllabus.

8. Write the central idea of any one of the following :

  1. Fog
  2. The Tress
  3. Amanda

9. Answer any one of the following in about 30- 40 words :

  1. What was the problem with Tricki ?how did the doctor treat him?
  2. When did the Tehsildar come to Bholi village?

10. Answer any one of the following is about 50 words :

  1. Which thing according to the Historian se d world from a martian invasion?
  2. What would have happened if Matilda had not lost the diamond necklace in the ministers Ball ?

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