UP Board Class 10 English Pre Board Paper 2025 PDF Download, UPMSP Highschool English Pre Board Paper

Download Class 10 English Pre Board Question Paper : UPMSP Class 10 English Pre Board Question Paper 2024 Class 10 English Model Paper UP Board Class 10 English Sample Paper UP Board Class 10 English Pre Board Paper

Based on OMR Answer Sheet
Pre-Board Examination
Subject- English

Time: 3 Hrs.           M.M. 20+50=70

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper is divided into two parts – Part ‘A’ and Part ‘B.
(iii) Part ‘A’ consists of multiple choice questions. Answer these questions are to be marked on OMR sheet.
(iv) Part ‘B’ consists of descriptive type questions.

UP Board Class 10 English Pre Board Paper 2025


(Q.No. 1-3) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
This is a great lesson for all of us to learn, that in all matters the two extremes are alike. The extreme positive and the extreme negative are always similar. When the vibrations of light are too slow we do not see them, nor do we see them when they are too rapid. So with sound, when very low in pitch we do not hear it, when very high we do not hear it either. Of like nature is the difference between resistance and non- resistance. One man does not resist because he is weak, lazy and cannot; the other man knows that he can strike an irresistible blow if he likes, yet he not only does not strike but blesses his enemies. The weak who shows non resistance is oppressed while the stronger one commits a sin if he offers resistance.

1. We are unable to hear Bound if:
a) it is too low. b) it is too high
c) it is too noisy. d) both a and b

2. The two extremes are alike’ means-
a) extreme positive is better than extreme negative.
b) excess of anything is not good.
c) we get almost the same result in both the situations.
d) all of the above.

3. Which word in the passage is opposite of ‘slow’?
a) resist b) rapid c) lazy d) strike

UP Board Class 10 English Pre Board Paper

(Q.4-8) choose the correct options to answer the following:
I_ there with my parents.
a) will go. b) went
c) had gone. d) all a,b and c are correct.

5. If you want to know about new things you are–
a) cautious b) conscious
c) careless. d) curious

6. Rearrange the following word clusters to make a meaningful sentence-

a) my toys loves to share his brother
b) brother loves his toys to my share
c) my brother loves to share his toys
d) to share my brother his toys loves

7. Which of the following words is misspelt?
a) abundence. b) attendance
c) acceptance. d) acquaintance

8. He jumped____the well to save the drowning girl.
a) in. b) into c) from d) at

(Q. No. 9-10) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
I finished my poem, and it was beautiful! It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Luckily, Mr. Keesing took the joke the right way. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments, and to several other classes as well. Since then I’ve been allowed to talk and haven’t been assigned any extra homework

9. In Anne’s poem ‘the ducklings’ and ‘father swan’ symbolize-
a) children and parents
b) Anne and Mr. Keesing
c) Anne and neighbours
d) class and schools

10. Mr. Keesing had assigned Anne extra Homework earlier because-
a) he hated her.
b) Anne was poor in Maths.
c) Anne had misbehaved with him.
d) Anne talked too much in the class

Class 10th English Pre Board Question Paper UP Board

(Q. No. 11-13) Based on your understanding of the prose lesson choose the correct option to answer the following questions.

11. Mandela passed____years in Jail.
a) twenty seven. b)thirty two
c) thirty. d) twenty nine

12. Mahaseer is a___ found in Coorg.
a) a large freshwater fish
b) a small freshwater creature
c) a small brackish water fish
d) a large brackish water creature

13. The bus conductor was a___man.
a) rude b) jolly c) selfish d) strange

(Q. No. 14-15) Read the following extracts and answer the question that follow:
He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes, The epistemology of loss, how to stand up Knowing what every man must one day know And most know many days, how to stand up

14. What is the boy learning?
a) The epistemology of loss
b) How to stand up
c) What every man must know
d) none of these

15. What every man must know one day?
a) How to withstand loss
b) How to stand up
c) How to be a man
d) All of the above

(Q. No. 16-20) Based on your understanding of the lesson in the book ‘footprints without feet’ choose the correct option to answer

the following questions.
16. Who is the narrator of the story “The Thief’s story”?
a) Ruskin Bond. b) Anil
c) Hari Singh. d) Anil’s friend

17. What did Ebright start collecting in childhood?
a) Butterflies. b) Coins
c) Stamps. d) All of these

18. Ramlal’s eldest daughter was:
a) Radha. b) Rekha
c) Sulekha. d) Kamala

19. Tricki’s actual problem was:
a) Malaria.
b) Malnutrition
c) Fever
d) Vomiting because of excess of food

20. Mrs. Pumphrey was a :
a) Poor lady. b) selfish lady
c) rich day. d) gentle lady

UP Board Class 10 Pre Board Exam Question Paper 2025


21. Read the following passage carefully and answ the questions that follow:When we enter New York harbor, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. What impresses us the most is its size and magnificence . Have you ever wondered how it came to be there The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of American Independence.

In 1869, sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan his concept for the monument. Bartholdi envisioned Liberty as a strong and proud figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the working men and women of the present. Finally in 1884, the work was finished and Liberty was packed into 214 crates and sent to New York city. But there was one problem. While the French had raised a lot of funds to build the statue, New York had not secured the funds to build its foundation. It was not until a New York newspaper implored people for donations that money became available. Finally, on 28th October 1886, Americans celebrated the unveiling of Statue of Liberty.
a) Whom does the Statue of Liberty represent?
b) What is meant by the underlined portion?
c) How did America collect money to install the statue?
d) Which word in the passage means ‘requested’?

22. Write a letter to your elder brother who lives in Delhi, sharing your feelings about how you miss him at home.


Write an application to the Principal of your college to complain that the water tanks in the school are not being cleaned regularly.

English Pre Board Paper Class 10 UP Board 

23. Write a report on the ‘Craft Exhibition’ in your school in about
80-100 words.
(Hints when, inauguration ceremony, exhibited craft items, gathering, other stalls etc, overall experience)


Write an essay (article) on the following topic in about 80-100 words:
‘A visit to a zoo’
(a) What is a zoo
(b) Place where the zoo is
(c) Animals, birds, reptiles
(d) Conclusion

24. (a) Re write the following sentence by changing into Indirect speech:
The boy said to the teacher,” Please give me one day’s leave.”
(b) Change the following into Passive voice:
Who taught you English?
(c) Punctuate the following:
he wrote i cant come because i am ill
(d) Translate the following into English:
कल सुबह मैं पुस्तकालय जाना चाहता था। उसी समय मेरा एक मित्र मुझसे मिलने आ गया। हम शाम तक साथ रहे। मित्र से मिलकर मैं खुश था कारण दुखी भी हुआ।

25. Answer the following in 30-40 word each:
(a) Mention varieties of bread that an essential part of celebrations in Goa.
Who took pity on the young sea gull?
Where did he sleep that night?

(b) How did Valli save money for the bus ticket?


Why was Lencho angry with the post office employees?

UP Board Class 10 English Model Paper 2025

26. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words.
(a) What lesson did Kisa Gautami learn in the end?
(b) How did Mandela’s idea of freedom change with age and experience?

27. Mention a few differences between a tiger in the zoo and a tiger in the jungle. (about 40 words)


Write four lines of any poem prescribed in your syllabus. (Do not copy the lines given in this question paper)

28. Write the central idea of any one of the following:
(a) Fire and Ice. (b) The Tree
(c) The Tale of Custard the Dragon

29. Answer any one of the following in about 30-40 words.
(a) What did the doctor do to cure Tricki?
(b) What did Griffin want to prove? Could he do that?

30. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words.
(a) What could have happened if Matilda had not lost the necklace?
(b) Suppose you are Bholi and now you are a teacher. Write about your family, your childhood and your present life.

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