MSc First Semester Electromagnetic Theory Physics Paper 2025 : Here you can download Msc First Semester Question Paper 2025 MSc 1st Semester Physics (Electromagnetic Theory) Model Paper 2025 Pdf 1st semester physics electromagnetic theory question paper 2025 pdf download 1st sem previous year question paper. Previous year msc first semester question paper msc first sem question paper pdf download.
Roll No……..
M.Sc. (First Semester)
(Electromagnetic Theory)
Time : 2 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks 75
Note : attempt questions from all sections as directed.
Instruction : The candidates are required to answer only in serial order if there are many parts of equation answer them in continuation.
Section – A
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : All questions are compulsory each questions carries 5 marks
1 (A) discuss the concept and characteristics of the displacement current.
(B) Write integral and differential form of the maxwell’s equation and also discuss physical significance of each question.
(C ) discuss the importance of pointing vector in electromagnetic wave propagation if earth received 2 cal/mn-cm² solar energy what are the amplitude of electric and magnetic vectors ?
(D) using Maxwell equation established the equation of continuity.
(E) From electromagnetic theory, how it has been established that light waves are also electromagnetic waves.
(F) What is need an importance of vector and scalar potential in electromagnetic theory ?
(G) what is the Lorentz Gauge? Discuss importance of Lorentz Gauge.
(H) so that the plasma frequency is given by fc = 9√no where no electron density.
(I) discuss basic concept of wave guide and cavity resonator.
Section – B
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt anyone question each question carries 15 marks.
2. Obtain the boundary condition satisfied by electromagnetic field vectors ( E,D,B and H )
on plane interface between two media. Discuss the consequences and importance of these boundary conditions.
3. Discuss the non uniquences of electromagnetic potential and hence explain the significance.
4. A 20 GHz plane wave travelling in free space has an amplitude Ex = 10 V/m
Find the face velocity the wavelength and propagation constant.
Determine characteristic impedance of the medium.
Find the amplitude and direction of the magnetic field intensity.
Repeat part (a) if the wave is travelling in a lossless, unbounded medium, having permeability for times that of free space.
5. In yah perfect dielectric medium the electric field progressing in Z-axis is given by :

Where Exo is the peak value of Ex at t=o and z = 0 and n is the intensing impedance of the dielectric prove that the average power flowing through any area ‘S’ normal to the Z- axis is given by :

Section – C
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Attempt anyone question each question carries 15 marks.
6. State and prove Fresnel of phase velocity.
7. Discuss the propagation of electromagnetic wave in a conducting medium and also so that :
Electromagnetic waves penetraits the conducting medium to a depth S.
Inside the conductor the magnetic field vector H legs behind the electric field vector E.
8. Explain transverse magnetic mode transverse electric mode and transverse electromagnetic mode. What must be with of a rectangular guide such that the energy of electromagnetic radiation whose free space wavelength is 3.0 cm travels down the guide at 95% of the speed of light
9. Discuss the concept of retarded potential and calculate value of retarded potential due to oscillating electric dipole
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