Download Cbse Board Class 9th IT Paper Solution 2024-25 Annual Exam Question Paper : CBSE Board Class 9th Annual Exam Question PAPER Question Paper 2024 Information technology Model Paper 2025 CBSE IT Sample Paper Annual Exam Question Paper 2025 Class 9 Information Technology (IT) Paper Solution
CLASS-9TH (Session-2024-25)
Q. 1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(i). What is the purpose of communication?
(a) Inform (tell someone about something)
(b) Influence (get someone to do something you want)
(c) Share thoughts, ideas, feelings
(d) All of the above
(ii) Which of the following is a quality of a self-confident person?
(a) Patient (b) Compassionate
(c) Committed (d) Passionate
(iii) Which part of the home screen is visible on all pages?
(a) Status bar (b) Main icon area
(c) Dock (d) Clock
(iv). Which one is NOT a ports in a computer System?
(a) HDMI (b) Input (C) VGA (d) USB
(V) What is the aim of entrepreneurship?
(a) Earn a profit
(b) Solve customers’ need innovatively
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
(vi) Which of the following is an example of renewable resources?
(a) Coal (b) Solar Energy
(c) CNG (d) Petroleum
Q.2 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 marks)
(i) ITeS stands for
(a)Introduction Technology Evolved Services
(b)Informal Technology Enables Services (c)Information Technology Enabled Services
(d)None of these
(ii)____services mean performing business operations through an outside
service provider.
(a) BPM (b) MNC. (c) ISP (d) BPO
(iii) ISP Stands for
(a)Indian Service Providers
(b) Indian Sales Providers
(c) Information Service Providers
(d) None of these
(iv) GIC Stands for
(a) Global Income Centers
(b) Global In-house Centers
(C) Grand In-house Centers
(d) Global In-house Circle
(v) ____refers to the facts or raw material, which are processed to get the
(a)information (b) Data
(c) Input (d) Processed Data
(vi) PIN Stands for
(a) Proper Identification Number
(b) Private Identification
(c) Personal Inservice Number
(d) Personal Identification
CBSE Information Technology Annual Exam Question Paper
Q3. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills –
(i) Number of function keys available on ajstandard keyboard
(a)11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (d) 14
(ii)Which one is not a key available on the keyboard
(a) Key. (b) Insert (C) End (d) alt
(iii) Which of the following key move the Text cursor to the beginning of the line?
(a) End (b) Home. (C) Insert (d) Ctrl
(iv)F’ and ‘J’ are called as____keys
(a)Home (b) Filter (c) Guide (d) Sticky
There should be at least,___em of distance between your eyes and the
(a) 40-50 (b) 60-65
(c) 90-100 (d) 75-80
vi. __key not available on Home Row
(a)A (b) B (c) D (d) E
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Class 9 Information Technology (IT) Paper Solution 2025
Q.4 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(i)___bar is located at the top of the window and shows the name of Currently opened document.
(a) Menu bar (b) Title bar
(c) Status bar (d) Navigation bar
(ii) Which tab is used to add Header in a document?
(a) Insert (b) Design (c) File (d) Layout
(iii) Which is NOT a type of alignment in Word Processor?
(a) Left (b) Justify (c) Middle (d) Center
(iv.)___shortcut key is used for Undo.
(a) Ctrl+C (b)Ctrl+Y (c) Ctrl+X (d) Ctrl+Z
(V.)Which tab is used to add Header in a document?
(a) Insert (b) Design (c) File (d) Layout
(vi)A word processor helps us to look up synonyms and antonyms in the___option.
(a) Spell Check (b) Thesaurus
(c) Find and Replace (d) Look up Wizard
Q.5 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
(i) A___is an arrangement of rows and columns.
(a) table (b) cell(c) range (d) formatting
(ii)__is not the part of User interface of LibreOffice Cale
(a)Desktop (b)Insert Function
(c) Name Box (d)Formula Bar
(iii)The range of cells starts in B3 and ends in D3 may be represented by
(a) B:3:D:3 (b)B3D:3 (c)B3:D3 (d) B3-D3
(iv.)The value of 20^2
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c)40 (d) 400
(v) Which one is not a type of chart can be used in LibreOffice Cale
(a)Column Chart (b) File Chart
(c) Line Chart (d)Pie Chart
vi. Which of the following is an extension of a worksheet created in Cale?
(a).ods (b) odd (c).xls (d) ob
CBSE Class 9 Information Technology (IT) Paper Solution 2025
Q6. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills 4 marks)
(i)Which of the following is not a part of main Impress window?
(a) Slides pane (b) Workspace
(c) Work pane. (d) Task pane
(ii) Which of the following is not a section of tasks pane?
(a) Master pages (b) Layouts.
(C ) Custom view (d) Custom
(iii) The slide show can be exited at any time during the show by pressing which of the following keys?
(a) Space bar (b) End key
(c) Break key. (d) Esc key
(iv).Find and replace can be used after clicking the shortcut keys
(a)Ctrl+F (b)Ctrl+G
(C)Ctrl+H. (d)Ctrl+l
(V). Ctrl+Q Key may be used to
(a)Open the application
(b)Exit the application
(c)Insert the file
(d)Import the file
(vi.) The presentation may be created using
(a) Text (b) Images
(c) Audio & Video (d)All of these
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3=6)
Answer each question in 20-30 words.
Q.7 What is Non Verbal Communication? Q.8. List any 05 self-management skills.
Q.9. Give any two uses of ICT at home
Q. 10 List any four characteristics of entrepreneurship.
Q.11 What are the sources of pollution?
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each (2 x 4 = 8 marks)
Q.12 What do you mean by BPM?
Q. 13 What is typing Ergonomics?
Q. 14 Explain the all four colour used for showing the result in Rapid Typing ?
Q. 15 What do you mean by digital documentation?
Q.16 Write down any five option available inside File menu in LibreOffice Cale?
Q.17 Write down the process to insert new slide in Digital Presentation (LibreOffice Impress)
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each (4 x 3=12 marks)
Q. 18 A teacher wants to teach the students using some ICT tools, suggest him/her any four ICT tools with its uses
Q.19 Tanmay wants to increase his typing speed, suggest him any five rules of typing speed after using them his speed may increase
Q.20 Renu using first time LibreOffice writer, explain about the following user interface
(i) Title Bar (ii) Zoom Control
(iii)Word and character count (iv) Ruler
Q.21 Define the following terms of LibreOffice Cale
(i) Active cell
(ii) Row Heading
(iii) worksheet Navigation
(iv) Cell Address
Q.22 What is Digital Presentation and its uses ?
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