Here you can download BHIC 111 HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE–I (C–1780–1939) Question Paper BHIC 111 Important Questions with Answers BHIC 111 June 2025 Exam Paper in English BHIC 111 Previous Year Question Papers BHIC 111 Paper in English BHIC 111 Important Questions in English BHIC 111 History of Modern Europe Paper
Term-End Examination June, 2025
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Attempt any five questions in about 400 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each Section. All questions carry equal marks
1. Discuss the process of the revolutionary overthrow of the ancient regime in France through democratic action
2. Explain the meaning and ideas associated with the Enlightenment
3. Write a note on the revolutions of 1848 and its aftermath
4. Write short notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Bureaucracy
(b) Reforms Act of 1832
(c) The Secret Society Movement
(d) Industrial Capitalism
BHIC 111 Question Paper June 2025 in English
5. Discuss the reasons for the rise of population in Europe since the mid-18th century
6. Write a note on the urban population and living conditions in Europe
7. How did industrialization influence urbanization ?
8. Write short notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) The Gerschenkron model
(b) Class division and political consciousness
(c) Unifications of Italy
(d) Habsburg Monarchy
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