MSc Physics Previous Year Question Paper Pdf Download | Msc 3rd Semester Physics (Classical Electrodynamics and Plasma Physics) Question Paper 2025
Here you can download MSc Physics Question Paper Pdf 2025 MSC Physics previous year Question Paper M.Sc Physics question Paper Msc Physics 3rd sem question paper Msc physics 3rd sem question paper pdf download Msc physics 3rd sem question paper pdf
M.Sc. (Third Semester) (NEP)
Examination, 2024-25
(Classical Electrodynamics & Plasma Physics)
Time: Two Hours) (Maximum Marks: 75
Note: This paper consists of three sections A, B, and C. Carefully read the instructions of each section in solving the question paper. Candidates have to write their answers in the given answer-copy only. No separate answer copy (B copy) will be provided.
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(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: All questions of this section compulsory. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. (a) What is spacetime interval? Define its physical significance.
(b) Show that the four-acceleration of a particle is always orthogonal to its four velocity.
(c) Prove that the stress tensor is symmetric.
(d) Express continuity equation in covariant form.
(e) When an accelerated charged particle emits electromagnetic radiation, the electric field, magnetic field and Poynting vector at a larger distance from the emitter vary as 1/ri, 1/rm 1/rn respectively. Find I, m and n.
(f) Differentiate between retarded and advanced potentials.
(g) Earths ionosphere consists of plasma of density around 10^-15 kg/m3. Calculate the velocity of Alfven waves in ionosphere taking magnetic field 10μT.
(h) An electron moves from point P point Q in a to magnetic mirror. At point P, the magnetic field is 0.5 Tesla, the is 600 perpendicular kinetic energy is 200 eV and the parallel kinetic energy 600 ev. What is the magnetic field at point Q if the electron is reflected at this point?
(i) Obtain an expression for frequency of plasma electron oscillations.
MSc Physics Question Paper Pdf 2025
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any one question from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.
2. Explain matrix representation of Lorentz transformations.
3. What are four tensors? Define four momentum.
4. Express Maxwell’s equation in covariant form and prove their invariance.
5. Obtain transformation of electromagnetic field as tensor components.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any one question from this section. Each question carries 15 marks.
6. Define Thomas scattering. Derive Thomson formula for differential scattering cross section of radiation by a free charge.
7. Derive expressions for electric and magnetic fields produced by an accelerated charged particle.
8. State Boltzmann transport equation in plasma. Obtain its moments.
9. What is meant by Debye shielding? Derive the formula for Debye length. Explain quasineutrality in plasma.
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