M.Sc Chemistry ( Organic Chemistry ) 1st Year Question Paper Download Pdf | M.Sc Organic Chemistry 1st Semester Question Paper Pdf
Here you can download Msc 1st Semester Chemistry Question Paper 2025 MSc 1st Semester Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) Question Paper 2024 Pdf M.sc 1st semester Chemistry question paper 2024 pdf download M.sc 1st sem previous year question paper. previous year msc first semester question paper msc first sem chemistry question paper pdf download.
Paper Code: 40252
M.Sc. Chemistry (Semester First) Examination, 2025
Organic Chemistry
Time: Three Hours ] Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt all the Sections as per instructions.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any four questions out of the follow- ing.
Each question carries 07 marks. Answer are required not exceeding 300 words.
1. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Homoaromaticity
(ii) Bonding in fullerenes
(iii) Cross conjugation
2. (i) Discuss isotope labelling in determination of reaction mechanism.
(ii) Explain the significance of substituent constant σ.
3. Suggest the mechanism for the following reactions: 3½ each
(i) OH OAC OH O (ii) AICI
4. (i) Explain the ortho/para ratios in aromatic electrophilic substitutions using suitable examples.
ii) Discuss the effect of substrate structure on aromatic Sn’ reactions.
5. Discuss the effect of attacking base and leaving group on E, and E, reaction.
6. Discuss the mechanism of Gatterman-Koch reaction with the help of suitable examples.
7. Write short notes on the following: –
(i) Neighbouring group assistance
(ii) Ipso attack with examples
8. Write notes on the following:
(i) Application of NMR spectroscopy in the detection of carbocations.
(ii) Ambident nucleophiles.
M.Sc Chemistry ( Organic Chemistry ) 1st Year Question Paper 2025 Pdf
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any three questions out of the fol- lowing.
Each question carries 14 marks. Answer required not exceeding 600-800 words.
9. Discuss the following:
(i) Allylic halogenation (NBS) oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids.
(ii) Coupling of alkynes and arylation of aromatic compounds by diazonium salts.
10. (i) What are antiaromatic and homoaromatic compounds? Give examples.
(ii) Indicate whether the following compounds are aromatic or not on the basis of HMO theory:
(iii) Write a note on alternate and non alternate hydrocarbons.
11. (i) Arrange the following compounds in order of decreasing stability. Also give the reasons. CH, CÓC (CH₃)₂ Ph₂CH
(ii) Explain the concept of thermodynamic and kinetic control of a reaction using the example of the reaction of an unsymmetrical ketone with a base.
(iii) Define Hand and Soft bases and acids.
12. Discuss the following factors influencing the relative reactivity in substitution reactions:
(i) Effect of substrate
(ii) The nature of leaving group
(iii) Solvent polarity
13. (i) Draw the potential energy diagram for the following reactions: Br₂/FeBr3 Heat Br
(ii) Discuss neighbouring group participation by n and o bonds.
(iii) Discuss reactivity effects of reaction medium.
14. Discuss the mechanism and applications of the following reactions:
(i) Smile rearrangement
(ii) Vilsmeir reaction
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